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NCPF Print Competition 2025

Northern Area Mono & Colour Print Competition

The Northern Area Print Competition was held on Tuesday 21st January 2025. The host club was Amble PG and the judge was Alan Porrett ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP, APAGB, HonNCPF.

The winning club was Ashington CC with an overall score of 221. In 2nd place was Amble PG with 215, 3rd place was Blyth PS with 214, 4th place was Cambois CC with 206, 5th place was Morpeth CC with 204 and 6th place was Alnwick CC with 201. Wooler CC did not submit and entry for this competition. The scoring was very tight but Ashington CC were well ahead in both rounds of the competition. Three prints scored 30 points.  The two prints scoring 30 points in the Colour section were Bamburgh Dawn by David Burn of Alnwick CC and Lepus, Next Generation by George Sudlow of Amble PG. The print scoring 30 points in the Monochrome section was Marker by Keith Saint of Ashington CC.

Ashington CC were congratulated on their win for the third year in a row and the three members from Alnwick, Amble and Ashington were congratulated for their success in gaining 30 points for their respective prints in both sections of the competition. The trophy was presented to the President of Ashington CC, Roy Smith.  Thanks were also given to Alan Porrett for judging the competition. As usual his comments were constructive and complimentary.

The event was well attended by all clubs who entered and the host club held a raffle and provided refreshments at the end of the competition.

From the NCPF website which is well worth a visit